Saturday, December 22, 2012

Good, Better, Best – A Christmas Story

The Santa Good Chart

Loosely, building on an idea that I wrote last year, "Christmas – What is "Good?", I got to thinking of this Good, Better, Best hierarchy.

Ah ... Good, Better, Best: the clichéd adjectives used just about everywhere.  It seems, to me anyway, that good implies the status quo; potentially average or, worse, below average.  Better is higher in the pecking order so that’s like a silver medal to that of the bronze "good".  Finally, who wouldn’t want to be associated with Best.  Best just blows everything else away.  It’s the gold medal … and I think that’s why Apple never made a product anything less than the best (so they say).

When it comes down to getting presents from Santa one has to be good.  So I would imagine that as long as you don’t fall into the bad category you’re probably guaranteed a pair of socks and maybe a sweater.  But if you fall into the better or best categories … you may be cashing in.  Again, somehow that seems to be the case for Apple.

Let’s imagine that Nick isn’t a terrible person, but he’s a guy in his late 20s that doesn’t do the greatest things.  He’s still a child at heart and maybe (just maybe) still believes in Santa. So, let’s just imagine what that letter may look like:


Dear Santa,

I know every year I ask you for presents, but my behavior seemed to have gotten worse over the past few years.  But I’ve done so much this past year to show that I deserve a Microsoft Surface with a blue touch cover keyboard.

As you know, a couple of years ago I was not faithful to my wife and that probably led to not getting the iPad with the retina display that I really wanted. But this year, I’ve been better. I only cheated on her a total of 6 times with only 3 other women; compared to the 17 times and the 16 other women from the previous year.  That shows improvement!

I have also been improving on my relations with the elderly.  I know I’ve been harsh to them, especially when they’ve been crossing the parking lot at Target and I blare on the horn and yell swear words at them.  While I’m still a ways from helping them cross the street, I’ve show a tremendous restraint and now only beep the horn at them.

See, I’ve done better and certainly hope to have a Surface in my stocking on Christmas Morning.

Very truly yours,



While, Nick certainly isn’t a saint, he is doing better.  If we go by the Good, Better, Best hierarchy; then since he’s doing better than the previous year he falls into the second category thereby bypassing the good category.   I mean … he’s doing “better” … it’s not “best” but it certainly supersedes “good”.  Then again, if this is the “best” possible behavior he can deliver, then he certainly must be worthy of at least a Google Nexus 7.

I’ve pondered this fictitious scenario a few times and bounced it off of a few people.  Personally, I think the improvement warrants presents, but I may be alone in this one.


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